We now offer monthly tuition plans on rubapay.com

Discover the Best School for your Child

Ruba allows you to discover schools and nurseries in Kuwait and aim to ease your access to a quality education.

Tailored to your Needs

With hundreds of schools and nurseries to choose from, consider all your options. Access school profiles and apply for a financing plan to settle your child's tuition on a monthly basis at ZERO cost.

Browse all schools and nurseries by location and your unique preferences.


Learn about what they offer and compare


Apply for a monthly tuition plan to ease your payments


Your Considerations, All in One Place


Educate yourself on each school’s accreditation status to ensure a standard of quality and credibility in your child’s degree.

Tuition Fees

We’re here to ease you tuition payments. Get a clear view of each school’s tuition and apply for a flexible monthly installment plan with us.

Educational Stages

Whether you’re looking to enroll your children in Preschool, Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle, and/or High School, get to know which grade levels are offered by each school.

Languages of Instruction

Kuwait’s a melting-pot, and so are its schools. From English, Arabic, French to Hindi—decide which language is best suited for your child's future.

Clubs and Activities

There’s more to education than classrooms. Learn what programs are available to support your child’s learning—student council, art, music, sports, and more.

Alumni Profiles

For a look into the future, take a look back on how the school they graduated from kickstarted their success.

The most comprehensive, up-to-date resource for families to discover schools and nurseries in Kuwait

Become a Ruba Member

As a Ruba Member, information is on your side. Sign up to be able to add schools to your favorites list and compare what makes each school special.

Update your School’s Profile

Are you affiliated with a school or nursery on our list? As a Ruba Partner, you can update your school’s profile and advocate its expertise to keep parents informed. We’ll reach out once we’ve verified your credentials.

About Ruba

Founded by two Kuwaitis wanting to empower parents to make the best choices for their child. What began with discussions among friends enrolling their children in private schools, led to a concern that legacy and word-of-mouth limited their options.

Read our story