يمكنكم الآن دفع الرسوم الدراسية بدفعات شهرية عن طريق موقع

قدِّم على التمويل الدراسي
Conductive Education School
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Conductive Education School_2
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Conductive Education School_4

نبذة عن المدرسة

The Conductive Education School-Kuwait (CESK) is a special needs school which usesthe Conductive System of Education and the English National Curriculum. The school isowned by AFAQ Educational Company for Educational Services. It was established inSeptember 2003 to offer the best possible educational and rehabilitation services toenable children and adults with neurological motor disabilities and Special EducationalNeeds to function more independently at home, in educational environments, at work andwithin the community, thereby reducing dependency in essential everyday activities andmaking constructive steps towards integration into society.CESK is the second largest conductive school in the world and the first in the Arab region.It has received the First Stage of the Inclusion and Quality Mark (IQM) from the Specialand Inclusive Services (SIS), U.K. in 2005 and the second Quality Mark (IQM) in 2007.At CESK our focus is to provide as much experience and exposure possible to our students regarding any and all activities and skills that can help them transition into their community. We focus on life skills, communication and functional academics. We teach keeping in mind each student’s ability. We try to cater to their individual needs while ensuring that they are given ample opportunities to adjust to group scenarios. We work hard to provide our students with as much independent life skills as they can acquire. Our aim is to ensure that he/she achieves their maximum potential.

لغة التدريس

  • English
  • Arabic

المراحل الدراسية

  • أولى روضة - الصف الثاني عشر

نظام المدرسة

  • British

حالة التعليم

  • Mixed

إحتياجات خاصة

Ages accepted

4 - 21 Years

نوع التعليم

للإحتياجات الخاصة فقط

نظام الصفوف


شدة الإعاقة

متوسطة الى حادة

نوع الإعاقة

اضطراب نقص الانتباه مع فرط النشاط , التوحد , اضطراب نمائي شامل , إعاقات جسدية

جهات الإعتراف



نسبة الطالب إلى المعلم




مواطنين vs. أجانب

النوادي والأنشطة




المبنى و المرافق


عدد المباني




Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool



قدِّم على التمويل الدراسي

قدِّم على تمويل دراسي لدفع رسوم الحضانة بشكل شهري

قدِّم على التمويل الدراسي